UPDATES 11 am Israel time, Tuesday, August 20 2013:
*An interesting comment from Yitzhak Rabin’s daughter Dalia today: “Perhaps today my father would have regretted signing [the Olso Accords] with Yasser Arafat.”
*An interesting accusation from Egypt today: the Muslim Brotherhood, led by Mohammed Morsi, was behind the attack in Libya that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens. The idea was to kidnap the U.S. Ambassador to Egypt and hold him ransom for the blind sheikh imprisoned in the U.S. According to this report, Morsi persuaded the Brotherhood to attack in Libya instead.
*Regular readers of this blog will recall that several days ago, this blog reported the killing of one of Hezbollah’s leading field commanders in Syria. That report has now been confirmed.
*Gunfire has erupted in Beirut during the last few hours between Hezbollah and Palestinian factions.

Jews praying at the Kotel–Western Wall–a site with no Jewish history whatsoever (if you believe the PLO). Photo source: israellycool).
As your humble servant mentioned in yesterday’s updates, Sunday’s PLO Executive Committee meeting in Ramallah was a hatefest chaired by the Chairman of the PLO and the unelected President of the Palestinian Authority–Mahmoud Abbas. The Committee accused Israel of a variety of “war crimes” climaxed by accusations of Judaization and ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem.
Your humble servant always finds such accusations amusing in the extreme.
After all, Jerusalem has been Israel’s eternal capital for three millenia. 1600 years before Mohammed was born, we Jews had built the first Jewish Temple on Mount Moriah. 1000 years before Jesus, a Jew, walked the streets of Jerusalem, we Jews had built those streets and created a flourishing center of Jewish religion and culture. The PLO would have us believe that there is no Jewish history in Jerusalem.
And let’s talk about the ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem.
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Jerusalem was ethnically cleansed of all Jews in 586 BCE by the Babylonians who carted off most Jews in the southern kingdom of Israel to various parts of the Babylonian Empire.
Jerusalem was ethnically cleansed of all Jews in 135 CE by the Roman Hadrian who conquered Judea in the 3rd Roman War and then invented the word “Palestine” to replace “Judea.” No Jew was permitted to enter Jerusalem under penalty of death.
Jerusalem was ethnically cleansed of all Jews in 325 CE by the Greek Christian Constantine I; no Jew was permitted into the city for the next 3 centuries.
Jerusalem was ethnically cleansed of all Jews in 1099 CE by Christian Crusaders who massacred all of the Jewish and Muslim inhabitants of the city.
Jerusalem was ethnically cleansed of all Jews by the Khwarezmian Tartars in 1244 CE.
The Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem was ethnically cleansed of all Jews in 1948 by the Jordanians and the Palestinians who proceeded to destroy and desecrate every Jewish structure in the Old City. This part of Jerusalem remained Jew-free until 1967.
Each and every time that Jerusalem was ethnically cleansed of Jews, we Jews returned. Over time, nothing could keep us from our beloved and eternal capital.
By anyone’s definition, the PLO’s ethnic cleansing canard is particularly egregious:
In 2003, there were 228,690 Arabs in Jerusalem. As of 2012, there were 305,000.
Judaization and ethnic cleansing . . . how unctuously terms like these roll off the tongues of the Palestinians and how willingly the West cloaks itself in their fraud.