UPDATES 10 am Israel time, Saturday, August 24 2013:
*A contrast in pictures this morning. The first is Hosni Mubarak being released from prison yesterday to be taken to a nearby military hospital:

Mubarak being gingerly helped out off of his hospital gurney so that he can get on a waiting military helicopter (photo: AFP).
The second is from a Muslim Brotherhood demonstration on the Temple Mount yesterday afternoon:
Obviously the sign in Arabic is “encouraging” the overthrow of General Al-Sisi and the re-institution of the Muslim Brotherhood. Again, as your humble servant has noted on numerous occasions, isn’t it bizarre how the Jerusalem police permit these Muslim Brotherhood demonstrations to take place every day on the Jewish Temple Mount–and Jews are not even permitted there most of the time?

The Napoleonic (hand in jacket) Mahmoud Abbas and his willing dupes on the Israeli “Left”–all members of Israel’s Meretz party–in his Ramallah office two days ago (photo: Haaretz)..
Pardon your humble servant as he vents this morning.
What is it about people on the “Left” when it comes to Israel? How is it possible that they just don’t get it? Do they not read at all? Do they not listen to the news? Are they just so blinded by their intellectual vacuity that their eyes and brains glaze over whenever they hear the word “Palestinian”? How do they continually ignore what the Palestinians say and do?
Two days ago we had another example of the Israel Left’s total abandonment of rationality and simple brain activity.
Who were the fawning idiots this time? They were the Knesset members of the Meretz party led by their uber-leftist Zahava Gal-On (the one holding papers in her hand in the picture above) who had come to Ramallah to express their support for the Palestinians in the so-called “peace” process.
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And what did Mahmoud Abbas, the unelected president of the Palestinian Authority and head of the PLO tell these assembled cretins–in English?
Just what these leftist morons (and their friends in the West) wanted to hear:
*“People say that after signing a peace agreement we will still demand Haifa, Acre and Safed. That is not true. Signing the agreement will signal the end of the conflict.”
[Really? And what about that little detail you are demanding about the return of 5,000,000 UNRWA-declared Palestinian “refugees” to Israel?]
*“We don’t need planes or missiles. All we need is a strong police force.”
[Really? And what about that little detail you referred to in the Meretz meeting that you expect American troops to be stationed in “Palestine” for the foreseeable future to “protect” the Palestinians.]
*“I was criticized for saying that I don’t want a single Israeli soldier or settler in the Palestinian state. I meant any Israeli that is part of the occupation. I didn’t mean that I don’t want Jews or Israelis in the Palestinian state. We’ll welcome them as tourists or as people coming to do business. We just don’t want occupation forces.”
[Really? So what you meant to say is that “Palestine” must be ethnically cleansed of every Jew–since every Jew living there is part of the “occupation.”]
By the way, this is the same Mahmoud Abbas, who personally chaired a meeting–in Arabic--of the PLO Executive Committee 5 days earlier, after which he and the PLO accused Israel of war crimes, anti-human racist acts, violations of international laws, ethnic cleansing, and Judaization of Jerusalem.
Idiots, cretins, morons, and fools: these are the people who constitute the Israeli “Left” and the “Left” in the West when it comes to Israel.