UPDATES 9 am Israel time, Wednesday, October 30 2013:
*The Palestinian murderers were released last night to Gaza and Ramallah where the celebrations continue this morning.

Flanked by ax-murderers, hatchet killers, stranglers, and killers who burned Israelis alive and shot them, Mahmoud Abbas welcomes the “heroes” to Ramallah last night (picture: Yahoo).
Yesterday, PLO head and unelected Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas announced that, in addition to the $2500 to $4000 each one of these murderers already receives each month, each newly released prisoner will receive a grant of between $40,000 to $60,000.
Inasmuch as the Palestinians have no money to even pay the salaries of their own Palestinian functionaries, you might ask “where is the money going to come from? That’s easy. If you are an American or European citizen and you pay taxes, the money to pay these murderers is coming out of your pocket.
*In a supposed sop to all of those who fought against the release of the murderers last night–even up until the moment of their release past midnight, Netanyahu has announced today that there will be “tenders” (bids) issued for 1500 new apartments in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods of eastern Jerusalem.
Two things need to be said: (1) issuing “tenders” for these apartments does not mitigate the utterly immoral decision to release the murderers, and (2) issuing “tenders” does not mean “building apartments”. Netanyahu’s usual pattern is to issue the tenders then freeze the tender-construction process in response to international pressure. Even if the tender process ever moves forward, it will be years before any construction actually takes place.
*Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon is proving even more adept than his predecessor at deceptive dissembling. At a meeting in Tiberias yesterday, Ya’alon praised Hamas for “acting quickly” to stop the rocket and mortar fire over the last few days on the Gaza Border.
Ya’alon would have us believe that the 9 mortars and missiles were not really fired at Israel because of trying to kill Israelis; instead, he insisted that the terrorists only fired the mortars and missiles “due to internal conflicts.”
If you look closely at the israelstreet breaking news ticker to the right, you will see that an Iron Dome was placed in Netivot yesterday following yet another Palestinian Hamas rocket attack Monday night–which was completely unreported by the IDF. As we often mention on this blog, the IDF under Ya’alon no longer even informs Israelis about such attacks nor does it even sound warning sirens in most cases of rocket attacks anymore.
One final note: tomorrow morning, at precisely the moment that Hamas continues its rocket fire on the south and at precisely the moment when huge Hamas tunnels have been discovered running into Israel, the IDF is pulling out of the frontline communities that have to face this terror.
*Vladimir Putin wastes no time. In advance of Putin’s visit to Egypt next month, Russian advisors are already in Egypt filling the vacuum caused by U.S. President Obama’s reckless support of the Muslim Brotherhood and subsequent defunding of the Sisi government. The Russians are offering Egypt huge investments in Egyptian infrastructure, advanced weapons technologies (that Saudi Arabia will fund for Egypt), and construction of a huge military port that will even exceed the Russian port at Tarturus, Syria.
Why does the port need to be so large? Because it would become the home base of the Russian Mediterranean fleet and the tip of the spear of Russia’s outreach to the Sunni Arab world.
The Netanyahu government continued to sadly crumble in the face of international pressure yesterday as Israel made its first appearance in 18 months before the United Nations so-called “Human Rights” Council (UNHRC).
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It was an appearance that was not supposed to take until the UNHRC made Israel part of a permanent regional group and until the UNHRC abolished “Agenda Item 7” which mandates that Israel must be castigated at every meeting of the fraudulent organization.
As of yesterday, the UNHRC had done neither.
But Israel showed up anyway and immediately began to grovel in front of the so-called UNHRC “diplomats.”
Ambassador Eviatar Manor beseeched the group to commend Israel for its release of the Palestinian terrorist murderers: “All of them have blood on their hands; all of them have murdered Israelis. Their release, I believe, illustrates Israel’s determination to reach an agreement with our Palestinian neighbors that will, once and for all, end the conflict.”
But nobody was listening. Or cared.
When Manor finished, the usual tirade against Israel began anew with different speakers attacking Israel for its supposed mistreatment of women, African “asylum seekers”, and Israel-Arabs.
Others jumped on the Israel-bashing bandwagon to harshly criticize Israel for its supposed mistreatment of Palestinians and for its alleged actions against Muslim and Christian holy sites in “East Jerusalem.”
Still others demanded that Israel withdraw from the “West Bank” and “east Jerusalem” and end the blockade of Gaza.
And even more others, including the Palestinian representative, demanded that Israel recognize the supposed Palestinian right of return.
And even Israel’s supposed ally, the United States, joined in the fun attacking Israel for its supposed mistreatment of non-orthodox Jews and non-Jews.
All in all, it was “situation normal”; Israel is back to kowtowing to the international community, and the international community is back to having another venue in which to bitterly attack Israel.
Thank you PM Netanyahu.