For all israelstreeters who celebrate the holiday, your humble servant would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas!
UPDATES 7 pm Israel time, Wednesday, December 25 2013:
**In the midst of the increasing terror against Israelis throughout Israel, Israel is unbelievably getting ready to release 26 more Palestinian murderers after midnight on Sunday.
These releases are simply beyond understanding as every piece of evidence shows that the terrorists who have already been released at the insistence of John Kerry and Barack Obama are some of the primary instigators of the terrorism currently taking place.
Among the butchers to be released this time are Ahmed Awed Ali Kamil who was imprisoned for life for the killing of five Israelis, and Adam Juma’a who burned an Israeli woman and her three children alive.
Apparently there is no price that Israel will not pay for international approval–even the lives of Israeli citizens. The sad truth is that Israeli-Jewish blood is cheap.
**Another sad truth is that the current Israeli government has lost all semblance of dignity. It was announced yesterday that not only is Israel nearing an agreement with Turkey on compensating the families of the IHH terrorists who were killed on the Mavi Marmara after attacking Israeli soldiers, but also Israel is now increasing the quota of Turkish workers allowed in Israel as a “goodwill gesture.”
In your humble servant’s opinion, the Turkish government of Taycip Erdogan can rot as can all the families of the terrorists who sent their sons on a terrorist mission. The thought that Israel will pay even one shekel to Turkey and these families is morally offensive in the extreme.
On this Christmas, Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) has released statistics that show that:
*There are 161,000 Christians living in Israel. 128,478 of these are Arab Christians–the remainder are primarily Russian Christians who immigrated to Israel with a Jewish family member.
*The four cities in Israel with the greatest numbers of Christians are Nazareth (22,400), Haifa (14,600), Jerusalem (11,900), and Shafaram (9,600). The city with the largest number of non-Arab Christians is Haifa.
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The number of Christians in Israel increases every year.

The scene in Bethlehem’s Manger Square. Note the Christmas decorations and the Mosque of Omar looming over the Square (picture: israelseen).
In contrast, most of today’s Christmas festivities have taken place in Bethlehem, a city in which Christians have been systematically rooted out by Muslims during the last 15 years since Bethlehem has been under PLO/PA rule. From having an 85% majority in 1948, Christians now constitute a mere 18% of Bethlehem’s population of 22,000–in other words, there are now fewer than 4,000 Christians left in Bethlehem.
And their number continues to dwindle everyday.
It is with this background that the Chairman of the PLO and unelected president of the Palestinian Authority Abu Mazen (aka Mahmoud Abbas) appeared in Manger Square last night along with his friend Catherine Ashton–the Baroness Buffoon who ludicrously holds the title of European Union Foreign Minister.
Here’s what Abu Mazen had to say: “In Bethlehem 2,000 years ago, Jesus was born, a Palestinian who brought the gospel and became a mentor for millions around the world. Just as we Palestinians are fighting for our freedom in two thousand years later. We try to walk as much as possible in his way. “
Say what?
Bethlehem of 2000 years ago was located in Judea. There was no such entity as “Palestine.” And far from being a “Palestinian”, Jesus was a Judean Jew.
But little details like that don’t bother the PLO/Palestinian Authority that is busily trying to steal a history that Palestinians never had and to eliminate every Christian from the territory under its administration.