The Gaza War Day 259, The War in the North

Yom Shabbat


16 Sivan 5784

June 22 2024


UPDATE 7:00 AM Israel Time

The View from Here in Ashdod

During the last two days and nights here in Ashdod, we have heard continuous booms (aka explosions) coming from Gaza. This is apparently the result of the IDF closing in on central Rafah. Yesterday at 4 am, we were awakened by intense gunfire on the beach in front of our house. Our immediate concern was an infiltration attempt from the sea–however, no mention of this was made by local or national security authorities.

On the Ground in the North

The last few days have seen a steady drumbeat toward war with Hezbollah. Threats from Hassan Nasrallah have been met with threats from Defense Minister Gallant. Yesterday, security officials warned that Hezbollah may be about to launch a broad strike. Apparently, numerous countries have recalled their diplomatic delegations from Beirut fearing an imminent attack by Israel.

For what it is worth, the Biden Administration has seemingly informed Israel that should a full-scale war break out with Hezbollah, the U.S. will support Israel.

Meanwhile, the IDF Spokesman issued this statement yesterday:

“Fighter planes and aircraft of the Air Force attacked targets of the Hezbollah terrorist organization throughout the day in four different areas in southern Lebanon. Among the targets that were attacked, a military structure of Hezbollah in the Al-Khyam area, a military position of the organization in Mis al-Jabal and terrorist infrastructures of the organization in the areas of A-Taiba and Talusa in southern Lebanon.”

On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

*A joint announcement by the Israel Police, Shin Bet, and IDF:

“A short time ago, the soldiers of Unit 33 (the Gideons) of the Israel Police, in cooperation with the IDF forces and directed by the Shin Bet, attempted to arrest two Islamic Jihad terrorists. During the arrest, fire was opened at our forces, who returned fire. and eliminated the terrorists.” 

*In a dramatic under the radar announcement at a conference in Samaria yesterday, Finance Minister and Deputy Defense Minister Bezalel Smotrich commented that he is in the process of completing the turnover of control in Judea and Samaria from the IDF to Israeli civilian control. If this is true, it would be an earthquake after decades of military control there.

What it would constitute is a de facto annexation of Area C.

Elsewhere in the Neighborhood

IAF aircraft apparently struck a weapons convoy from Iran to Lebanon last night on the Syrian-Iraq border on the Syrian side near al-Bukhmal.

And so it goes on this Shabbat morning. We here at OneIsrael wish our soldiers and you dear readers Shabbat Shalom.

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