The Gaza War Day 365; The War in the North

Yom Shabbat


3 Tishrei 5785

October 5 2024


A mixture of news this morning:

*IAF aircraft struck Tripoli, Lebanon for the first time during the night killing Said Atullah Ali, a senior Hamas official who served as a field commander.

*The IAF targeted a Hezbollah leader early this morning in Dahiya. Who was targeted is unknown at this hour, but it is doubtful that he escaped:

*Israel continues to cut off the weapons lifeline from Iran-Syria to Lebanon. From the IDF Spokesman today:

Fighter jets of the Air Force, under the precise intelligence guidance of the Intelligence Division, attacked an underground tunnel that crosses the territory of Lebanon into the territory of Syria, about 3.5 kilometers long, and which is used by Hezbollah to transfer weapons and store them in an underground route.

The infrastructure was operated by Unit 4400, the unit responsible for transferring weapons from Iran and its affiliates to Hezbollah in Lebanon.In the attack, military buildings, weapons warehouses and other terrorist infrastructure were destroyed.

In addition, an infrastructure was attacked tonight at the “Matsana” border crossing between Syria and Lebanon. Weapons were transferred to Hezbollah in this infrastructure.

*Perhaps an explanation of some of the booms we hear coming from Gaza: the IDF just issued this order for the residents in Nuseirat (colored areas) to immediately evacuate because of Hamas terrorists therein:

Meanwhile, the IDF continues building up the newly paved Philadelphi corridor with guardposts:

The Egyptian fence on the left, the Philadelphi Corridor on which IDF vehicles are operating, the white building you see down the road and the posts to the right side are the new guardposts.


The View From Here In Ashdod

Another night of heavy bombing down in Gaza judging from the constant “booms” here in Ashdod. Those booms haven’t stopped this morning and are continuing even as I type this sentence. Heading in the opposite direction to the north, another squadron of planes just roared overhead.

On the Ground in the North

*Hezbollah missiles have already struck Israel this Shabbat morning along the Lebanese border at Kfar Yuval (02:13), in the northern and southern Golan at Ortal, Bashan, Merom Golan, and Ein Zivan (03:09), and in the Wadi Ara-HaAmakim area at Nazareth, Bethlehem of Galilee, Migdal HaEmek, and Megiddo (08:05).

*Israel has confirmed the death of Hashem Safi Al-Din in the massive bombing of Hezbollah Intelligence Headquarters two nights ago. Al-Din was the head of the Hezbollah Executive Council and presumed replacement for Hassan Nasrallah.

Another confirmed dead is Hussein Ali Hizma who was Hezbollah’s head of military intelligence.

It is still unknown how many other members of the Executive Council died along with Al-Din and Hizma because it may take weeks to dig out the dead from under the rubble created by 83 tons of bombs.

By the way, Naim Qassen, deputy secretary-general of Hezbollah since 1991, submitted his resignation yesterday. He has no desire to end up under another pile of rubble.

The Attack in Yemen Last Night

It turns out that it was a British-American attack after all. Apparently, the Biden Administration which has come under intense criticism of late because of not going after the Houthis following attacks on US Naval vessels, decided to act.

There is no news about whether the Houthi leader, Abdel Malik al-Houthi, was eliminated.

The IAF Attacks in Syria

IAF planes hit Hezbollah supply lines in western Syria last night as well as targets in Damascus.

Apparently, these attacks caused the Iranian foreign minister to cancel his planned trip to the Syrian capital.

There is also news this morning that Hezbollah’s elite Radwan force which has been heavily attacked by the IDF in southern Lebanon is repositioning itself across the border among Syrian forces. If they think that this will somehow protect them, they are seriously mistaken.

We wish our soldiers and you dear readers:


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