The Gaza War; The War in the North

Yom Shabbat (after the end of Yom Kippur)


10 Tishrei 5785

October 12 2024


The Yom Kippur View From Ashdod

It would be nice to say that it was a quiet and peaceful Yom Kippur with nothing but the sounds of children playing on playgrounds and riding their bikes and scooters in the streets.

But it was not.

From about 2 am last night until this very moment, there have been continuous booms from Gaza on the order of one or two every 5 minutes or so.

There is little news to indicate what those booms are (bombs, artillery, naval cannon fire?). We can only hope that our soldiers are as safe as possible. We thank them for protecting us and Israel.

Some Of What Happened From From The Beginning of Yom Kippur Until Its End A Few Hours Ago With The Appearance of 3 Stars

*At least 220 rockets have been fired by Hezbollah in 21 separate barrages from Lebanon into northern Israel hitting the border area, the Galilee, and as far as Haifa. In addition 120 missiles were launched on Friday in the hours before Yom Kippur began.

*Two UAVs were intercepted on their way to Israel, but one. One drone hit a nursing home in Herzliya; thankfully no one was wounded.

*Alarms were triggered in Ashkelon because of 2 HamISIS launches from northern Gaza.

From the IDF Spokesman

Dozens of terrorists were eliminated from the air and on the ground in Gaza and Lebanon: the Air Force attacked about 280 terrorist targets.

Over the past day, the IDF forces have operated strongly and in a targeted manner against terrorist infrastructures and Hezbollah terrorists in southern Lebanon.

The forces have eliminated 50 terrorists in face-to-face encounters and directed air force strikes, and destroyed more than 200 Hezbollah terrorist targets from the air and with artillery.

During the fighting in the area, the fighters located shafts of underground tunnels, dozens of infrastructures where weapons were stored, rocket launchers, mortar bombs and anti-tank missiles aimed at the northern settlements and the forces operating in the area. In addition, the forces located combat equipment, weapons and ammunition of Hezbollah terrorists.

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