The Gaza War Day 373; The War in the North

Yom Rishon


11 Tishrei 5785

October 13 2024


*The UAV that attacked the base was a Russian s5 drone that shoots missiles and then explodes into the target:

Note the circled missiles.

*It is being reported but is unconfirmed that the government has ordered the IDF to stop attacking Beirut.

*A U.S. nuclear submarine has apparently entered the area. At the same time, the U.S. is deploying the THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) anti-ballistic missile system here.

*Hezbollah continues pounding northern Israel. As of this moment, there have been 34 barrages today. The total number of missiles fired is not yet known. In the last 30 minutes, Manara, Misgav Am, Metulla, Kiryat Shmona, Margaliot, Kfar Giladi, and Tel Hai have all been hit.


Further news about the UAV attack: 3 soldiers have died. 67 are wounded.



A UAV (drone) hit a training base of the Golani Brigade at around 7:45 pm this evening. 40 soldiers were wounded. 4 are in very critical condition. Incredibly, the incoming UAV was not detected and therefore no alarm was sounded. The UAV apparently launched a missile which hit the dining hall at the base which is located in Binyamina which is just west of Caesarea.


May His Memory Be For A Blessing

Sgt. Ittai Fogel

Sgt. Ittai Fogel, 22 from Yakir, a tank commander in Battalion 46, was killed in battle in Rafah.

The War in the North

Eliminations over the Yom Kippur Weekend

*The new commander of the Radwan force in southern Lebanon, Hossein Muhammad Asili. He succeeded Jamal A-Tawil who was eliminated last month.

*And . . . among others:

75 more Hezbollah field commanders and terrorists (source Qalaat).

Hezbollah Missile Barrages So Far Today

The terrorists in Lebanon have already fired 15 barrages of missiles at communities along the Lebanese border, in the upper and lower Galilee, and in the Haifa area this morning. Hardest hit was Haifa at 9:00 am.

From the IDF Spokesman this morning:

“IDF troops continue to operate in southern Lebanon to dismantle terrorist infrastructure. Over the past day, the troops eliminated dozens of terrorists, exposed tunnel shafts, and located numerous weapons including launchers, anti-tank missiles, munitions, and more. 

Over the past day, the IAF has struck approximately 200 Hezbollah targets deep in Lebanon and southern Lebanon, including terrorist cells, launchers, anti-tank missile posts, and terrorist infrastructure sites.” 

The in War in Gaza

From the IDF Spokesman:

“Over the past day, IDF troops continued to operate throughout the Gaza Strip and have struck approximately 40 terror targets and eliminated dozens of terrorists.

In the area of Jabaliya, IDF troops struck the launcher from which projectiles were fired toward Ashkelon yesterday.

In addition, over the past day, the troops eliminated dozens of terrorists and located explosives, grenades, and additional weapons in the area. 

Furthermore, IDF operational activity continues in southern Gaza. Over the past day, the troops eliminated a number of armed terrorists, and they identified and eliminated a terrorist cell armed with an RPG adjacent to the troops operating in the area by means of an IAF aircraft.” 

As A Result of the War How Have Israelis Changed?

An interesting Channel 12 (leftist Israeli TV channel) poll yesterday asked survey takers two questions.

Question 1: As a result of the war, did your religious faith grow stronger or weaker?

49% have not changed

27% grew stronger

18% have no religious/don’t know

6% grew weaker

Question 2: Did your political position change after October 7?

59% did not change

34% moved to the right

7% moved to the left

Just to state the obvious: these changes spell possibly dramatic changes in the next election as the populace moves closer to the positions of those in the Netanyahu coalition.

In Non-War Economic News

The Nurit Kadosh’s Calcalist economic news report today, she points out that the cost of the “weekly shopping basket” which includes 50 popular food items has jumped by 30.5% since September 2019. In shekels, this is an increase of NIS 194.3 shekels (from NIS 636.2 to NIS 830.5). The annual translation of this figure is shocking: an average family currently pays at least NIS 10,000 more per year for food.

Why the dramatic increases?

As we have always written, a small number of companies/families control the economy here. In terms of food, 20 suppliers control 60.8% of sales, and the 10 largest suppliers own 49.5% of the market. Tnuva and Strauss alone are responsible for 21.1% of sales.


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