UPDATE: The last 24 hours have seen another Qassam missile strike against southern Israel, more rocks thrown at Israeli vehicles along Route 60, and the IAF eliminating an Islamic Hamas terror cell as it began to launch another set of missiles from Palestinian Gaza.
Can you imagine what the outrage in the world would be today if these headlines had appeared yesterday?
“Israel will fire long range missiles capable of hitting Iran during a naval drill in the Red Sea on Saturday”
“Israeli troops kill 19 protestors”
“Israeli suspected of killing Syrian woman in Germany”
“Israeli police and army storm offices of 18 NGOs throughout Israel”
The funny thing is that all of these headlines did appear yesterday–with just a few “minor” changes.
1. It is not Israel that will fire long range missiles in the Red Sea on Saturday, but Iran that will test fire missiles capable of hitting Israel from Iranian naval missiles in the Persian Gulf–according to Iranian naval commander, Admiral Mahmoud Mousavi.
2. It was not Israeli troops who killed 19 protestors yesterday, but Syrian soldiers who mowed down 19 more demonstrators under the watchful eye of the Arab League observers who are in the country to stop the violence.
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3. It is not an Israeli who is suspected of killing a Syrian woman in Germany, but a Syrian man suspected of murdering an Israeli woman. According to German police, a 24-year-old Syrian student is the prime suspect in the murder of 26-year-old Suad Hamza of Kafr Kanna, who was studying medicine in Gentigen. The suspect fled the country after choking Hamza to death.
4. It was not Israeli police and soldiers that stormed the offices of 18 NGOs in Israel overnight, but Egyptian security personnel that shut down 18 foreign NGOs in Egypt. According to Egyptian state television, “Egyptian soldiers and police stormed non-governmental organization offices throughout the country on Thursday, banning employees inside from leaving while they interrogated them and searched through computer files”, and ended up closing down 18 of the offices.

Egyptian soldiers blocking the entrance to the NGO "U.S. Democratic National Institute" this morning
Do you want to know, dear reader, why there is no outrage today? It is simply because most of the world doesn’t care if Iran threatens to annihilate Israel; it doesn’t care if Arabs kill Arabs in the streets of Damascus; it doesn’t care if an Israeli is killed in Germany; and it apparently doesn’t care if the Egyptian army is now back to openly trampling institutions in Egypt.
On December 30, 1947, forty Jewish workers at the Haifa oil refinery were killed by Arab terrorists.