UPDATE 10 am Israel time Tuesday:
The people of southern Israel have lived most of the last two days being traumatized either inside or within 15 seconds of their bomb shelters.
In the midst of all of the rocket (41) and mortar (7) fire from the Palestinian Hamas terrorists in Gaza–mortar fire that included at least one phosphorous shell yesterday evening–the IDF issued the extraordinary statement on Israeli TV yesterday that it was “doing everything within its power not to respond” to the onslaught.
Yes, you read that right, everything within its power NOT to respond. What was the convoluted reasoning of the “brave” warriors of our IDF Command? The IDF does not want to contribute to an escalation in the fighting.
Hamas can escalate all it wants to, but the IDF doesn’t want to engage the terrorists for fear of escalating the conflict. Is it any wonder that the people in southern Israel are disgusted with the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu and equally disgusted with the pathetically weak leadership of the IDF?
It must be intensely frustrating to those who spend their entire lives attempting to foment boycotts against Israeli products (whether those products be from “Israel” or from Judea and Samaria) to see how miserably their efforts have failed as Israeli exports have continued to increase.
Three years ago, as your humble servant was standing in front of the Food Coop in his local northern California town arguing against a proposed boycott of Israeli products within that Coop (a proposed boycott that ultimately proved unsuccessful), he couldn’t help but be struck by the blindly obsessive demonization of Israel by the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) people arguing for the boycott.
It made no difference that Chechens were being slaughtered by Russians, that Tibetans were being ethnically cleansed by Chinese, or that we were actually standing on land that had been stolen from Native Americans who had been wiped out by the very ancestors of the BDS people. Nope. Nothing mattered except the attempt to single out, condemn, and punish Israel.
Yet in every “conversation”, what became quickly apparent was that the BDS supporters not only wanted to “boycott” Israeli products from Judea and Samaria–they wanted to bring an end to the Jewish state of Israel.
Nothing has changed.
Last Thursday Richard Falk, the flatulently and fraudulently titled “United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967”, spoke at a press conference in Jerusalem giving voice to his recent U.N. report in which he called for “civil society to vigorously pursue initiatives to boycott, divest and sanction” international companies doing business in ‘the West Bank’.”
He even went so far as to brazenly warn that such companies–and their employees–may face criminal and civil liability under international law.
In other words, the always vitriolic Special Rapporteur, who likes to describe himself as “an American Jew”, has now become an even more overt anti-Israel lobbyist and spokesman for the BDS Movement. This is not surprising given the anti-Semitism that runs rampant on Falk’s blog in which he often compares Israelis to Nazis and foists the canard that Israel is “planning a Palestinian holocaust.”

A "cartoon" that appeared on "Special Rapporteur" Falk's blog. Note that the "big nosed" dog is wearing a Jewish kipa (yarmulke) with a Star of David as he voraciously eats the bones of Palestinians.
Falk’s report to the United Nations was immediately condemned by a few ambassadors, with Susan Rice, the U.S. Ambassador calling it “grossly biased” and “completely divorced from reality.” But most of the United Nations embraced it without hesitation.
Falk, of course, is not acting in a vacuum. This morning a group of 22 international NGOs has followed up Falk’s report with its own “Trading Away Peace: How Europe helps sustain illegal Israeli settlements”.
The purpose of this report, whose forward was written by the EU Commissioner for External Relations Hans van den Broek, is to force European governments to take specific steps to stop “settlement expansion” by doing more that “just talking” about the need to do so.
The self-proclaimed “human rights” groups that are signatories of this report are again all in bed with the BDS movement: APRODEV, Broederlijk Delen (Belgium), Caabu (UK), CCFD – Terre Solidaire (France), Christian Aid (UK and Ireland), Church of Sweden, Cordaid (Netherlands), DanChurchAid (Denmark), Diakonia (Sweden), International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), FinnChurchAid (Finland), ICCO (Netherlands), IKV Pax Christi, Medical Aid for Palestinians (UK), medico international (Germany), medico international (Switzerland), The Methodist Church in Britain, Norwegian People’s Aid, Norweigan Church Aid, Quaker Council for European Affairs, Quaker Peace and Social Witness (UK), and Trocaire (Ireland).
(Your humble servant strongly suggests that if you, dear reader, happen to be a financial supporter of any of these groups, you send your money elsewhere).
Back in August, South Africa at the urging of its deputy foreign minister Ebrahim Ebrahim was considering such measures as described above. At that time, Yigal Palmor, a Israeli foreign ministry spokesman had this to say:
“This kind of discrimination has not been imposed – and rightly so – in any other case of national, territorial or ethnic conflict. What is totally unacceptable is the use of tools which, by essence, discriminate and single out, fostering a general boycott.”
Discriminate and single out–these are the tools of the United Nations, the European Union, and the laughably self-proclaimed “human rights” NGOs as they attack Israel on every possible front. They also happen to be the tools of anti-Semites everywhere.
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