Tag Archives: 1979 peace treaty

Israel’s Quandary In The Sinai

UPDATE 10 am Israel time Wednesday: At 7:30 am this morning, there were incoming rocket sirens for the Lachish and Negev regions–two minutes later, 5 mortars struck near Kissufim. This follows multiple rocket attacks yesterday on the same area of … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1967, 1973, 1979 peace treaty, 23000 sq mi, 3 kilometers, 40 kilometers, 61000 sq km, accede, adhere, al toumah, arab spring, armed gunmen, armed to the teeth, arrangements, awaiting, battle, bedouins, blown up, Cairo, captured, central, clans, clean out, coastline, commandos, complicated, component, dangerous, defensible positions, demilitarized, different degrees, disinterest, egyptian, el arish, elite, enormous, fat chance, firefights, flood in, for picking, forces, freefall, gas pipeline, Gaza, gunships, hamas, hamastan, helicopter, Hezbollah, hosni mubarak, incidents, incoming, increase forces, interior, islamic, Israel, isreal, jets, jordan, killed, lachish, leeway, missiles, more military equipment, mortars, negev, northern sinai, observors, ouster, pulled back, qassams, quandary, rafah, raging, red sea, reinforcements, retreat, ripe, rockets, security, security checkpoints, security coordination, sheikh zuwaid, sinai, sinai mountains, sirens, soldiers, southern israel, southern lebanon, spurred, Syria, tahrir square, territorial, terrorists, tourism, united nations, united states, update, virtually abandoned, well armed, withdrawal, zones | Comments Off on Israel’s Quandary In The Sinai