Tag Archives: 250 billion dollars

The Real Humanitarian Tragedy in Syria Versus The Fake One in Gaza

5 Adar 5778 19 February 2018   Palliwood Picture of The Day: The above picture from Gaza which was supposed to show someone who was killed in an Israeli airstrike yesterday was captioned “the arrival of the Martyr Ayman Abu Shekha, … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1000 doctors and nurses killed, 250 billion dollars, 500000 civilians killed, ashdod, cigars and champagne, cost of the syrian war, european union, Gaza, GDP, hamas, Israel, martyr, migdal ha emek, missiles and mortars, one hundred million shekels, palestinian terrorism, palliwood, picture of the day, police gala, sderot, Syria, treated for trauma, tunnel structures, underground, united nations, wandering in the street | Comments Off on The Real Humanitarian Tragedy in Syria Versus The Fake One in Gaza