Tag Archives: 336000

Boycott Where? Sanction What? Divest From Whom?

UPDATES 8 am Israel time Monday: *The new, unelected, Palestinian PM Hamdallah visited the Temple Mount yesterday and declared that the PLO will soon begin to implement projects in Jerusalem to support Palestinians. Hamdallah had this to say: “Jerusalem and its … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 336000, academic centers, alexa, all time record, bankruptcy, bds movement, Ben Gurion airport, boycott, celebrity, creative center, degrade, destroy, deterioration, divest, e1 area, eden springs water, evangelical, every single jewish holy site, fascinating, flatulent, golan heights, google, haaretz, hamdallah, highest priority, holy sites, Jerusalem, jordanians, left, Los Angeles, lose their jobs, maaleh adumim, maariv, may 2010, may 2012, may 2013, moral grounds, morphed, new government, old city, outsmarting traffic together, palestinian authority, Palestinians, pathetic joke, pepsi, plo, political spectrum, preacher, research and development, rhone capital, sanction, slightest idea, sodastream, targeting, tel aviv, temple mount, tourists, village idiots, waze, yediot aharonot, ynet | Comments Off on Boycott Where? Sanction What? Divest From Whom?