Tag Archives: 66 day

The Fiasco Of Releasing Palestinian Terrorist Prisoners: Khader Adnan and Abu Snena

UPDATE 6 pm Tuesday: Palestinians riot near several Israeli prisons during the day to mark “Prisoner’s Day” throwing “rocks” at Israeli security personnel. TODAY’S BLOG: As today’s update notes, Tuesday is “Prisoner’s Day” in Israel. It is a day on … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 4000, 66 day, absurd, abu snena, administrative detention, agreed, arming, attacks, back on the street, captives head, cause celebre, caves, celebrate, cell, civilians, crimes, dead body, decision, deported, early release, equipment, establishment, exchange, farm, fiasco, first stage, food, Gaza, gilad schalit, heroes, house, hunger strike, imminent threat, inciting, intercept, international, interned, islamic jihad, Israeli, isreali, Judea, khader adnan, kidnap, live captive, locations, murder, next israeli, open ended hunger strike, operating freely, others, Palestinian, penal system, prisoners, prisoners day, prisons, protest, randa, range from, refused meals, release, releasing, remote, riot, rocks, Samaria, security personnel, security service, Shalit, shin bet, soldiers, straightforward, terrorist, terrorist act, the first step, this letter, throw, to be killed, update, violent, violent criminal, water, west bank, what is israel going to do now, wife, Woodland, work place | Comments Off on The Fiasco Of Releasing Palestinian Terrorist Prisoners: Khader Adnan and Abu Snena