Tag Archives: afraid

The Men, Women, and Children of Southern Israel: Nothing More Than Cannon Fodder

UPDATE: This day started like yesterday with alarms and terrorist missiles. At 10:45 two terrorist rockets struck the Ashkelon Chof region (south of Ashkelon). However, the Palestinians have announced in the early afternoon that there is now a 48 hour … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged afraid, agnon, aircraft, al-aksa, alarms, amen, apologize, army of lebanon, artists, ashkelon, attack, auschwitz, beach, benny, bomb, cannon, children, chof, city hall, commander, corroboration, crematorium, David, drink, eilat, facility, fodder, food, gantz, god's will, grad, hamas, herzliya, Hezbollah, history, IDF, independent, islamic, islamist, Israel, isreal, Jerusalem, Jewish, jihad, judah, katyusha, killed, king of israel, launch, Lebanon, levites, literature, martyrs, men, minstrels, missiles, motif, naveh, netanya, Netanyahu, Nissan, no, nobel prize, not behind, november 10 1966, Palestinians, people, prophet Samuel, qassam, redeem, rockets, rome, russo, senior, shelters, shoemakers, sirens, southern, sports, stockholm, tailors, tel aviv, terrorist, titus, truce, update, women, wounded, zion, zodiac | Comments Off on The Men, Women, and Children of Southern Israel: Nothing More Than Cannon Fodder