Tag Archives: Ahmadinejad

“Israel Fires Katyushas at Israel To Destabilize Lebanon”

UPDATE: Peace-seeking Mahmoud Abbas is in Turkey this morning meeting with 12 ‘heroic’ criminal Palestinian terrorists who were freed in the Schalit exchange and deported to Turkey. TODAY’S BLOG Lebanese Defense Minister Fayez Ghosn told the Lebanese newspaper Daily Star … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 30th shevat, Abbas, Ahmadinejad, arab world, baltimore, behavioral sciences, behind tree, border, children, conspiracy, criminal, daily star, december 21 1860, defense, deported, Egypt, enemies, europe, fayez ghosn, fire, Gaza, hadassah, hadassah hospital, henrietta, heroic, Hezbollah, ismaniya, Israel, isreal, Jewish, jewish publication society, katyushas, kibbutz kfar szold, Lebanese, Lebanon, ludicrous, mahmoud, masses, medical center, men, minister, mount of olives, mysterious, national institute, nazi, newspaper, nonsense, northern, nuclear bombs, palestine, Palestinian, peace, president, rescue, schalit, scream, Shalit, sinai, stability, star, szold, tel aviv, terrorism, terrorists, turkey, uneducated, western media, women, youth aliyah, Zionist | Comments Off on “Israel Fires Katyushas at Israel To Destabilize Lebanon”