Tag Archives: Ahmadinejad

Thank You Albania!

SPECIAL NOTICE: As faithful readers of this israelstreet blog know, your humble servant is in transit to his other home in the United States (California) today. Please note that as of tomorrow, posts will generally appear at about 10 am … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged aegean, Ahmadinejad, albania, albanian jews, albert, berisha, blog, cafes, california, chat, code, computer, connection, corfu, cup of coffee, destination, einstein, electricity, escape, europe, fashion, ferry, food products, friendly, good meal, grocery, hebrew, hitler, holocaust, hospitable, hoxha, hoxner, infrastructure, iran, isolation, Israel, israelstreet, lonely planet, military, muslim, nato, nazis, new nazis, nuclear facilties, number one, Palestinians, passport, peace process, people, politics, president, prime minister, roads, rural, sabotage, sali, sarande, scenery, security, states, strike, sunset, supermarket, supportive, thank you, U.N., ukraine, united, united nations, water, world war II | Comments Off on Thank You Albania!