Tag Archives: alexander

Why Christmas In Bethlehem Is Unique This Year

UPDATE: Daily attacks continue on the residents of Judea and Samaria–the latest a shooting assault by Palestinian terrorists near Ma’ale Shomron. TODAY’S BLOG In yesterday’s blog, your humble servant detailed how the Christian population of Judea and Samaria has plummeted … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged accomplices, alexander, amazon, batarseh, bethlehem, birth, boycott, british, bulgarian frontiers, businesses, christian, christmas, churchill, cleanse, close, control, cultural, december 24 1944, decrease, democratic, economic, economics, educational, europe, future, groth, high commissioner, holocaust, Israel, isreal, jesus, Jew, Judea, lord gort, maale shomron, mayor, muslims, nazi, no, palestine, Palestinian, persecution, physical, plummet, population, romanian, roosevelt, Samaria, secular, self-determination, shooting, slaughter, soviet, sports, state, strangle, terrorists, trade, unique, victor, west bank | Comments Off on Why Christmas In Bethlehem Is Unique This Year