Tag Archives: alexander

We Are The Hollow ‘Men’ Pervading The Middle East From Israel To Iran

UPDATE: ***MAJOR TERROR ALERT IN JERUSALEM LIFTED AS OF 8:35 PM.***  Another potential Palestinian terrorist stabbing attack thwarted. IDF continues searching Beit Iksa for Yehuda Ne’emad’s assailant. We are the hollow men                 … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 550, Abbas, absurd, accelerates, afghanistan, alexander, american, arab, attack, Barak, batch, beit, blair, boots, borders, broken, brussels, cellar, Clinton, comedy, comedy of the absurd, constructive, cooperate, deal, debate, decade, democracy, development, dialogue, dried, east, ehud, eliot, entertainers, entrepreneurs, european, fatah, feet, gender, general, glass, grass, hamas, hasson, head, hilary, hollow, IDF, iksa, iran, iraq, islamic, israel-palestinian, jason, kadima, kidnapping, Knesset, liberation, mahmoud, meaningless, men, middle, neemad, negotiated, nuclear, organization, palestine, Palestinian, peace, pervade, prisoners, process, quartet, quiet, rat's, reduce, release, restrictions, sanctions, security, seinfeld, Shalit, soldier, soldiers, solution, spring, stabbing, stability, staff, straw, talks, terrorist, theocrats, threat, tony, tremble, ts, union, update, voices, whisper, wind, yehuda, yoel | Comments Off on We Are The Hollow ‘Men’ Pervading The Middle East From Israel To Iran