Tag Archives: ambassador

What Do Georgia (U.S.), China, and Greece Have In Common?

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Posted in News | Tagged A-Tur (Jerusalem), abu dis, agreements, ahava, ambassador, anti-Israel, anti-semitic, Arizona, Attil, BDS, beit ummar, brazil, China, cooperation, dayan, demonstrations, detention hearing, florida, Georgia, Greece, green line, gush etzion, hawara, hebron, hevron, Illinois, Indiana, Israel, Issawiya (Jerusalem), karmi tzur, kiryat arba, leiberman, mt hebron, nabi saleh, Palestinian, plastic bags, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, silwad, silwan, sinjil, sodastream, soldier, south carolina, Sussiya, the Mt. of Olives, Yatma | Comments Off on What Do Georgia (U.S.), China, and Greece Have In Common?