Tag Archives: ambassador

Prime Minister Netanyahu Crosses The Iranian Rubicon

UPDATE (6:00 pm Tuesday): This afternoon has seen an Israeli driver injured by Palestinian “rock throwers” near Qalqilya. In the last two hours, a female knife wielding terrorist was arrested just outside the Jewish community of Emmanuel (near Haifa). She told … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 240, 49 bc, 9/11, a duck a duck, a nuclear duck, actor, afghanistan, africa, against rome, aipac, all options, ambassador, american, annihilation, as many, as possible, assad, ayatollahs, ballistic, bce, benjamin, bridge, caesar, centrifuges, chairman, children, cisalpine gaul, civil war, civilians, command, community, congress, containment, crazy, crime, crimes, crippling, crosses, cruel, dangerous, deny, destruction, deter, diplomacy, diplomats, embassies, emmanuel, enrich, facilities, flouted, foremost sponsor, france, gaul, Gaza, goal, Greek, haifa, hamas, hasn't worked, Hezbollah, holocaust, if, if it looks like a duck, inevitable, injure, intercontinental, iran, iranian, iraq, Israel, Israeli, isreal, isreali, it's a duck, Italy, january, Jewish, jews, joint chiefs, julius, killed, knife, latin, Lebanon, let the die be cast, march, marine barracks, marines, martin dempsey, medical isotopes, menander, middle east, military action, mine fields, missiles, murdered, Netanyahu, no more options, norm, nuclear, nuclear-armed, of staff, Palestinian, point of no return, prime minister, proconsul, prosecuted, province, qalqilya, quacks like a duck, rational, reckless, regime, river, roadside bombs, rock, rubicon, rule, sanctions, saudi, senators, separate, shadow, south america, speech, stab, stream, stripped, suicide bombers, support, Syria, terrorism, terrorist, the die is cast, the future, thousands, throwers, troops, u.s., underground, update, uranium, walks like a duck, when, wielding | Comments Off on Prime Minister Netanyahu Crosses The Iranian Rubicon