Tag Archives: amir

The Blood Of My Parents Is Screaming In Their Grave

UPDATE: 30,000 ARAB-ISRAELI ISLAMISTS RALLY IN NORTHERN ISRAEL IN SUPPORT OF HAMAS VOWING TO “REDEEM THE AL-AQSA MOSQUE WITH OUR BLOOD.” August 9, 2001. Ahlam Tamini, a 20 year old Palestinian university student and self-described journalist, disguised herself as a … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 16, ahlam, amir, an-najah, argue, avraham, ben zion, blood, blown, body, bolts, case, chaya, chemda, critical, deal, deface, detonate, died, disguise, do, enough, Eretz, exhibit, explosives, eye for an eye, fake, family, fingers, free, george, gilad, grave, guitar, human, IDF, injuries, Institute, it, jaffa, Jerusalem, Jewish, kill, kilograms, king, leah, life, Machon, masri, meir, memorial, mordechai, murdered, my, nails, no, nuts, Palestinian, parents, parts, people, perpetrator, pieces, pizza, price tag, prison, protest, raaya, rabin, regret, road, sbarro, Schijveschuurder, screaming, sentenced, sentences, Shalit, shari'a, shmuel, sign, splatter, street, students, tamimi, tent, terrorist, tourist, tzira, university, why, Wiesenthal, yigal, yitzhak, Ysrael, Zurich | Comments Off on The Blood Of My Parents Is Screaming In Their Grave