Tag Archives: ammunition hill

“Sometimes we are too humane.”

20 Tammuz 5778 3 July 2018   The News on the Israeli Street Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . . –A Palestinian terrorist stabbed an Israeli in Silwan. The victim, currently listed in serious condition, was evacuated to Hadassah Hospital. … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2500 iranians, 36 soldiers died, ammunition hill, at the Tunnels Checkpoint, azzun, beit ummar, bunkers, deduct money, Democratic Party Nuclear Weapons Appeasement Agreement, draft law, financing terrorism, he will maintain his humanity even in combat, hevron, hizma, holy site committee, IDF, Israel, karmei tzur, kill or possibly kidnap Israeli soldiers, kotel, litzmann, Netanyahu, plo, purity of arms, reform and conservative movements, Regev, Shaked, steinetz, trenches, United Torah Judaism. uzi narkiss, us citizenship, western wall layout | Comments Off on “Sometimes we are too humane.”