Tag Archives: amnesty international

Amnesty International: No Right of Self Defense For Israelis

UPDATES 7 pm Israel time, Thursday, February 27 2014: *The bottomless pusillanimity of Benjamin Netanyahu has been on full display again today as the Prime Minister’s Office has pathetically rushed out to assure the Arab world that Israel will not … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2013, 5000 rock throwing attacks, abusive, amnesty international, arbitrary, arms, assure the arab world, benjamin netanyahu, craven, did not appear to pose a direct and immediate threat, disarm, european union, force, frenzied public relations stunt, full display, IDF, ieds, incendiary, Israel, israeli flag, israeli sovereignty, israelis, Jerusalem, judaisms holiest place, judea and samaria, killed, Knesset, liberation, likud, molotov cocktails, more than 13 per day, moshe feiglin, no right of self defense, not change, objectivity, omits, palestine, Palestinian, palestinian propaganda machine, palestinian terror attacks, peaceful protesters, PFLP, poor palestinians, popular front, pretense, prevents israeli citizens, prime ministers office, prohibits jewish worshipers, pusillanimity, ramallah, rocks, statistics, status quo, stop selling, subjectivity, temple mount, terror, Trigger-Happy: Israel' Use of Excessive Force in the West Bank, united nations reports, united states, unverifiable, victimhood, violent riots, war crimes, willful killings, wounded or killed, yellow journalism, yigal palmer | Comments Off on Amnesty International: No Right of Self Defense For Israelis