Tag Archives: anti-aircraft

Illegal Palestinian Construction and the Coming War With Gaza

NUMBER OF DAYS UNTIL THE ISRAELI ELECTION: 11 ISRAELSTREET endorses NAFTALI BENNETT for Prime Minister Head of “HaBayit HaYehudi” (The Jewish Home) political party “We can’t have peace with the Palestinians. Enough. How long can we talk about this? We can only reach … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 50 tents, anti tank missiles, anti-aircraft, arrested, bab al shams, border guards, capitulating, coexistence, cohorts, combat experience, coming, confiscated, construction, cravenly, destroyed, e1, eastern jerusalem, Egypt, endorses, gate of the sun, Gaza, government, grave, hamas, history, horse manure, human rights, humble servant, iaf, IDF, illegal, import of weapons, indicator, industrial scale, intent, iran, islamic jihad, Israel, israelstreet, isreal, jailed, jewish home, jews, long to wait, massive scale, menachem begin, mortars, mosque, mount of olives, naftali bennett, Netanyahu, nothing, nowhere to be seen, number of days until the israeli election, outpost, Palestinian, peace, permanent, popular palestinian resistance committees, premature conclusion, produced, razing, rockets, smuggling tunnels, sniper, soldiers, southern israel, Sudan, synagogue, Syria, targeting systems, temple mount, war, Yemen | Comments Off on Illegal Palestinian Construction and the Coming War With Gaza