Tag Archives: apartheid wall

The Presbyterians Backslide; Construction Resumes On The Security Barrier

UPDATE 9:30 am Israel time Saturday: At 9:18 am–12 minutes ago–we heard an explosion here in Ashdod to the south of us toward Ashkelon and another one at 9:24. No further info. A border policeman was injured late yesterday afternoon … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 470 miles, 73 palestinian suicide bombings, 760 kilometers, ahava, al sharq, apartheid wall, approved, april 19 2008, at weddings, backslide, barbed wire fences, BDS, beauty products, blown to pieces, border crossing, boycott, budgetary constraints, caterpillar, checkpoints, chorus of protest, cities, construction, courage, crops, dead sea, divest, Egypt, evaporate, green line, gush etzion, hadiklaim israel dates, hewlitt packard, Hezbollah, homicide bombers, human rights, in pizza parlors, independence, islamic jihad, Israel, israel supreme court, isreal, Jerusalem, jewish communities, jewish voice for peace, Judea, Kerem Shalom, kila, Lebanon, leftist, maaleh adumim, metulla, motorola, murder, newspaper, no extension, on buses, Palestinian, perversion, prefer, presbyterians, qatari, ramadan shalah, relief of conscience, reroute, resumes, rights, Samaria, security barrier, separation fence, sniping, stop bombers, successful, suicide bombers, to see, vehicle barrier trenches, west bank | Comments Off on The Presbyterians Backslide; Construction Resumes On The Security Barrier