Tag Archives: apartment buildings

The Battle Over Ulpana: A Pyrrhic Victory For The Israeli “Left”

UPDATE 10:30 pm Sunday Israel time. At 9:49 pm there was a massive assault of Palestinian “rock” throwers on Route 443. Numerous Israeli cars damaged. At 9:38 pm–less than an hour ago, there was an incoming rocket alert for the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10 apartment buildings, 30 jewish families, a line in the sand, Amona, apartment buildings, applauding, attorney general, awakened, battle, beit el, border, caravans, celebrating, claim, community homes, defense minister, ehud barak, evacuate, expand, factories, fledgling, Gaza, iaf, implement, Israel, israel supreme court, Israeli, isreal, Jew, Jewish, jewish home, jews, Judea, judean, lawsuits, left-wing, legalize, legislation, lost the war, move, national union, Netanyahu, Palestinian, palestinian land, parade, peace now, petition, plans to do, private, proposal, pyrrhic, pyrric, qassam, razed, reality, relocate, residents, retroactively, rockets, Samaria, smuggling tunnels, terrorists, trailers, ulpana, under attack, update, victory, vulnerable, weapons, won the battle, yaacov katz, yesh din, zevulon orlev | Comments Off on The Battle Over Ulpana: A Pyrrhic Victory For The Israeli “Left”