Tag Archives: at Luban a-Sharqiya

PM Bennett’s 20 Minute Photo-Op

Yom Shishee Friday 19 ElulĀ 5781 August 27 2021   The Hilarious Quote of the Day “He died in battle.” FM Yair Lapid speaking at the funeral of Ra’am Knesset member Saeed Al-Kharumi who died of a heart attack two days … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abu dis, afghanistan. merkel, al kharumi, at Luban a-Sharqiya, Bedouin, beirut, bennett, between Al-Khader and the North Efrat Junction, between Kiryat Arba and Beit Anun, biden, chumash, fuel, he died in battle, hizma, Israel, kabul, Khursa, lapid, Lebanon, limo, marine guard, mediterranean, mistress, on Road 465 near Avod, on the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion Road near the Tunnel Checkpoint, oval office, pathetic, police station, portico, Shavei Shomron, tanker, the news on the israeli street, white house | Comments Off on PM Bennett’s 20 Minute Photo-Op