Tag Archives: autonomous

Israel Should Annex Area C of Judea and Samaria (And) Declare A Palestinian State in Areas A and B

UPDATE 9 am Israel time Saturday: An attempted Palestinian Qassam rocket assault against southern Israel that exploded on launch, an attempted stabbing of a Border Guard by a Palestinian thwarted at the Hizma checkpoint outside Jerusalem, two Palestinian mortars that hit an … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Abu Mazen, annex, arabs and islam, area c, areas a and b, autonomous, BDS, benny morris, bilateral peace agreement, border guard, boycott, checkpoint, confederation, de facto reality, declare, demographic problem, disapproval, ensure safety, extinguish, fence, Gaza, goal, hamas, harshly condemn, hizma, howl, inherit all of palestine, international community, islam, Israel, israel hayom, Israeli, isreal, Jerusalem, judea and samaria, leftist, Mahmoud Abbas, mortars, not possible, nothing will change, Palestinian, palestinian authority, palestinian jordanian, palestinian national movement, Palestinian state, peace, plans, plo, pre-1967 lines, qassam, rejection, rocket, southern israel, stabbing, statehood, status quo will not hold, terrorism, terrorist, the jewish national project, trilogy, two state solution is dead, two states for two peoples, unilateral withdrawal, unilateral withdrawals, united nations, viable, what if benny morris is right, where do we go from here, yossi beilin | Comments Off on Israel Should Annex Area C of Judea and Samaria (And) Declare A Palestinian State in Areas A and B