Tag Archives: beaches

Today Is The Big Day That The Israeli Left Has Waited For

1 Sivan 5780 24 May 2020   The “Stupidest” Quote of the Day “Turkey and Israel do not have to agree on everything . . . Covid-19 and other challenges, however, might work in favor or normalizing relations.” Roey Gilad, … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2000, 4000, amiram ben oliel, and their friends in the Israel Police who have provided one leak after another of supposed wrongdoing for years, ashkenazi, beaches, beersheva, Borrell and Khamenei are bosom buddies, Borrell’s opinion about Israel is closely aligned with that of Khamenei, cancerous tumor, Cases 1000, charge d'affaires, confirmed cases, daily corona update, dehydration, destroyed, died, dizziness, fainted, fauxtillas to gaza, found guilty, health ministry, jerusalem district court, josep borrell, kangaroo trial, khamenei, mad, Mada, more people died from heat strokes in Israel yesterday than of Corona, new israel foreign minister, normalizing relations, nursing home, one of the most anti-semitic people on the planet, one specious charge after another, parks, pm erdogan, read the tea leaves, recovered, roads, roey gilad, slinging mud at Netanyahu, the appeal process could also go on, the idiotic left, the Israeli Left will be standing and cheering, the Left switched tactics, the stupidest quote of the day, They couldn’t beat him in 2009, They couldn’t beat him in 2013, They couldn’t beat him in 2015, They couldn’t beat him in April 2019, They couldn’t beat him in September 2019, they couldn’t defeat Netanyahu at the ballot box, trial, turkey and israel, turks to the temple mount, uprooted, ventilators, witholding medical supplies from israel, Working with their friends in the Israel media who have mounted a nonstop 10 year attack on Netanyahu every night on television, Zionist regime | Comments Off on Today Is The Big Day That The Israeli Left Has Waited For