Tag Archives: beings

Palestinian Terrorist Murderers Should Be Executed

UPDATE: SHALIT SCHEDULED TO BE RELEASED ON TUESDAY. For the last two days, your humble servant has blogged that making the Shalit deal was the right thing to do—that the life an Israeli soldier is more valuable than 1000 of … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1000, 16, 1989, 1994, 2001, 2002, 21, 30, abd, act, adolf, ariel, ayoub, badran, batima, beings, blown, bombing, bus, butchers, capital, cell, change, civil, cliff, coalition, convicted, courts, crime, criminals, cruel, death, disco, dophinarium, druze, egged, eichman, enemy, execute, family, Fogel, gilad, gnaim, hamas, heinous, heroes, hotel, hotovely, human, husam, illegal, impose, innocent, Israel, Israeli, israelis, Jerusalem, jihad, Judea, judicial, kara, kidnapped, kidnappings, killed, Knesset, law, lead, life, likud, list, massacre, member, merciful, mercy, military, more, murder, nachshon, nasir, national, nauseated, nazi, netanya, Netanyahu, never, next, nightclub, Palestinian, park, passover, people, pieces, prison, punishment, rabbinical, ransom, release, Samaria, schalit, sentence, Shalit, slaughtered, soldier, soldiers, soon, tel aviv, terror, terrorists, tried, tuesday, tzipi, union, uri, valuable, wachsman, worth, yarmur, youth | Comments Off on Palestinian Terrorist Murderers Should Be Executed