Tag Archives: birth rates

“Palestinians Will Outnumber Jews In Israel By 2020” (NOT)

NUMBER OF DAYS UNTIL THE ISRAELI ELECTION: 19 ISRAELSTREET endorses NAFTALI BENNETT for Prime Minister Head of “HaBayit HaYehudi” (The Jewish Home) political party UPDATES 5 pm Israel time Thursday: Widespread “rock” throwing incidents in the last 24 hours have taken place … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2020, 6 million jews, bedouins, birth rates, bureau of statistics, burning tires, center left, central bureau of statistics, coalition, creation, declining arab birthrate, democracy, demographic, druse, east jerusalem, endorses, estimates, evacuate, eviction, exaggerated, flawed, Gaza, geocartography, grave implications, IDF, increasing jewish birthrate, inflated, israel radio, israeli arabs, israelstreet, issue, Jenin, jewish community, jewish home, jewish majority, jews, labor, left, likud beiteinu, molotov cocktails, naftali bennett, Nazareth, Netanyahu, number of days until the israeli election, ofra, outnumber, oz zion, Palestinian, Palestinian state, Palestinians, poll, powerful israel, prime minister, refugees, rock throwing, settlement, shelly yachimovich, statistics, tandem, tekoa, tzipi livni, unscientific, west bank, world bank | Comments Off on “Palestinians Will Outnumber Jews In Israel By 2020” (NOT)