Tag Archives: black list

Remembering Yoni

16 Tammuz 5777 10 July 2017   The News on the Israel Street Palestinian Terror in the last 24 hours . . . A thwarted stabbing attack, an IED assault on our soldiers, and numerous “rock” and Molotov attacks: it … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abu dis, ak47yossi ben hanan, Basic Laws on the Judiciary, bennett, black list, cemetary, conservative, diaspora rabbis, entebbe, golan heights, gush etzion, hamas, hanegbi, hevron, hizma, iddo, jerusalem light rail, life magazine, mt herzl, not Jews, palestinian terror, reform, sayeret makal, silwan, stabbing attack, suez canal, t-72, tekoa, terrorist swap, United Jerusalem Law, yonatan netanyahu, yoni | Comments Off on Remembering Yoni