Tag Archives: ceased to exist

In Praise of the Maccabees and Rabbi Akiva

UPDATES 10 am Israel time, Friday, November 6 2013: *A wonderful week of Chanukah has come and gone–followed in short order by winter. Driving down through the fog and rain from Jerusalem yesterday, we heard on the radio how snow … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Adonai Ehad, Adonai Eloeinu, Akiva still had the courage to look to the heavens and joyously cry out, always place israels security first, americans, and Judaism itself would have completely disappeared, As Akiva's flesh was being scraped off his body by Roman torturers flaying him with an iron "comb" so they could pull out his heart, at the age of 92, avraham burg, bar kochba war, ceased to exist, central story of Jewish history, chanukah, chief plo negotiator, cleanse the Temple, dedicating a candle, defending judaism, defied, delegitimize, demean, destructive, dorot, dry november, ein hashofet, embrace their Judaism, family, fight, five sons, fog and rain, former speaker, fundamentalist, harange israelis, he would have fought with those who wanted to hellenize israel, Head of All Sages, hellenize israel, historical judaism, in our home, irrational, Israel, israeli left, isreal, Jerusalem, jerusalem to remallah, jewish males uncircumcised, john kerry, judah, kahanists, Kineret, Knesset, laughing, laughingstock, maccabees, mattathias the hasmonean, meir kahane, messianic, miracle of the oil that burned for eight days, modiin, mt. hermon, no respect, nobody here believes a word he says, on the table, pagan sacrifices, Palestinians, premier leftists, priest, rabbi akiva, rabbi akiva ben joseph, rejected, resigned, retake Jerusalem, roman emperor hadrian, rose by 1 cm, Rosh la Chachamim, saeb erekat, sea of galilee, security bridging plan, Shema Israel, shfela, short order, shuttle diplomacy, snow, struggle of the maccabees, talmud, teach judaism, temple in jerusalem, The irony of course is that had not the Maccabees fought against hellenistic Antiochus, the Jews would likely have been completely assimilated into Greek culture, unresigned, win their freedom, winter, wonderful week of chanukah, zeal | Comments Off on In Praise of the Maccabees and Rabbi Akiva