Tag Archives: choice

The Cynical Jordanian Ploy To Undermine The Arabs Of Eastern Jerusalem

UPDATE 12 am Sunday:  An hour and a half ago, a Palestinian terrorist was captured at the Hawara checkpoint carrying two IED bombs. Just before that three Palestinian terrorists were arrested in Jerusalem and charged with an attack on a … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1948-1967, 60000, activity, al-aqsa, ali gomaa, arabs, authority, ban lifted, blame, bomber, children, choice, citizenship, classification, community, cynical, cynically, delight, deny, dignitaries, east, eastern, eastern neighborhoods, Egypt, ethnic cleansing, european union, extended, families, farmers, fence, forbid entry, government, hamas, hamlets, homes, hospitals, hussein majali, hypocrisy, illegal, international world, islamic wakf, isolate, Israel, Israeli, israeli passport, isreal, isreali, Jerusalem, Jewish, jordan, jordanian citizenship, jordanians, Judea, king abdullah, manipulate, men, middle east, mosque, mufti, Netanyahu, no longer, occupation, old city, opt, outpost, palestine liberation organization, permanent jordanian passport, plo, ploy, prevention, prince ghazi, prince hashem, prince hashim, punish, ramallah, refugee camps, residents, right-wing, Samaria, schools, security service, separation fence, settlement, settlers, stateless, suicide, temporary jordanian passport, turn in, undermine, united nations, villagers, villages, visit, wall, west bank, western governments, women | Comments Off on The Cynical Jordanian Ploy To Undermine The Arabs Of Eastern Jerusalem