Tag Archives: civilians

Word Games That Palestinians And Arabs Play

UPDATE (6 pm Saturday): At 3:40 pm, two Palestinian terrorists were captured by the Border Police near the Tapuach Junction carrying five IEDs, two knives, and a gun. Both terrorists are from Shechem (Nablus). At 2:20 pm, Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1948-1967, al massara, annexation wall, arabic, bethlehem, Bilin, blow up, border police, burning tires, captured, chemical water, children, civilians, colonial, counter terrorism, create, describe, disinformation, exploitation, fence, gate, gun, hamlet, ieds, illegal, immediately, international, Israel, Israeli, israeli media, isreal, isreali, issue, jordan, Judea, knives, kufer kadom, language, lawbreakers, leave, left-wing, lexicon, local farmers, manipulation, march, media center, men, middle east, nablus, nilin, non lethal, nonviolent, occupy, orwellian, palestine, Palestinian, peaceful, prevention, protesters, protestors, retaliate, rubber-coated, Samaria, self defense, separate farmers from their land, shechem, sinai, sleepy, soldiers, sound bombs, steel bullets, successful, suicide bomber, suppress, tapuach junction, tear gas, terrorists, this week in palestine, throw rocks, town, townspeople, true, truthful, village, violent, vocabulary, wall, west bank, western media, women, world | Comments Off on Word Games That Palestinians And Arabs Play