Tag Archives: civilians

Somewhere Over The Rainbow: Living In The Land Of Oz

UPDATE (6:00 pm Sunday): The Israel Supreme Court has just announced that it has rejected the ‘Migron compromise’. In doing so, it has emboldened delegitimizers of Israel on every front–and guaranteed increased violence against Jewish community members in Judea and … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1947, accept, acclaimed, Amos Oz, arabs, author, autobiographical, away above the chimney tops, bad guys, basis for life, benign, binoculars, bombed, british, capital, city, civilians, coming of age, community, compromise, consortium, convention, court, curfew, dare to dream, delegitimizers, deliver, devoid, document, ehud, embolden, evil, existed, fellow, firendly, for peace, friends, girl, good guys, guarantee, hand over, heaven, heroes, holocaust, humble servant, immigrate, increase, international, internationalists, irgun, Israel, israeli jews, isreal, J Street, Jerusalem, Jewish, jewish state, Judea, kill, kindly, land, launchers, life, like lemon drops, living, local authorities, love israel, lusts, magically, make, members, message, Migron, minted, missiles, more than one way, neighborhood, never, newly, not all, obstacles, occupation, offers, older, olmert, on earth, oz, palestine, peace, peaceful, platitude, polish, polite, populate, proffy, really do come true, rejections, rocket, Samaria, settlers, skies are blue, social, soldiers, solidarity, somewhere over the rainbow, spies, supreme, survivors, terrorists, terrorized, the little traitor, transformed, troubles melt, turn in, update, victims, violence, wake up, west bank, where the clouds are far, willingness, wish upon a star, wizard of oz, Zionism, Zionist | Comments Off on Somewhere Over The Rainbow: Living In The Land Of Oz