Tag Archives: cleansing

Ethnic Cleansing In Israel And The West Bank*

Update 12:06 pm: Unofficial report from Beersheva of impending terrorist rocket siren followed by two loud explosions. Police now on scene.  Update 9 am: Central Israel undergoing missile drills today.   Whenever you hear the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ applied to … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Abbas, al-rihan, antiquities, arab, archaeological, assyrians, babylonian, beersheva, beesheba, bethlehem, cave, central, centuries, christians, church, cities, cleansing, coin, conquer, cultural, dead, doha, drills, emperor, enslave, eradicate, establish, ethnic, explosion, future, hadrian, hamdan, hebron, heritage, hevron, historical, identity, Israel, Jenin, jericho, Jerusalem, jesus, Jewish, jewish wars, jews, Judea, kingdom, league, liberation, mahmoud, maimonides, minister, ministers, ministry, missile, mosque, mount, moussa, muslims, nablus, nativity, no jew, northern, organization, palestine, patriarchs, plo, Qatar, qumran, rachels, religious, remove, rename, resettle, rewrite, rockets, romans, roots, Samaria, sea, shackles, shechem, siren, sites, slaughter, slave, state, steal, taha, temple, terrorist, tomb, top, tourism, umm, UNESCO, usurp, wall, war, western, word, world | Comments Off on Ethnic Cleansing In Israel And The West Bank*