Tag Archives: condemnation

The Judea and Samaria Quiz: 10 Things You Don’t Know About The So-called “West Bank” (Pt. 2)

UPDATE 7 pm Wednesday.  3:36 pm: Palestinian terrorists, Israeli leftists, and international lawbreakers attacking IDF soldiers at Nabi Saleh. 3:21 pm: Palestinians throwing “rocks” at Israeli motorists on the Hevron-Gush Etzion road. TODAY’S BLOG: Yesterday in this blog,  your humble … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 10 things, 120 communities, accessible, administration, al khader, area a, area b, area c, areas a b c, beit hagai, beitar illit, bethlehem, breath of fresh air, britain, celebration, checkpoint, children, christians, colonialist, community, conclusions on the middle east peace process, condemnation, control, council of jewish communities, current status, dani dayan, dead sea, eastern jerusalem, eastern neighborhoods, educational series, efrat, eu, european union, fait accompli, france, further negotiation, Gaza, germany, government, gush etzion, hebron, hevron, ied, illegal occupation, interim agreement, international, international law, irreversible, Israel, israel time, israeli occupied, israeli-palestinian, isreal, issawiya, Italy, jericho, Jerusalem, Jewish, jews, jordan, Judea, laid blame, latrun salient, lawbreakers, leftists, legal right, maale adumim, mediterranean, members, men, missile, modiin illit, molotov cocktails, motorists, muslim, nabi saleh, nablus, nakba, Netherlands, no mans land, ofer prison, oslo accords, Palestinian, partitioned, permanent status, public, qalandiya, quiz, rachels tomb, ramallah, reaction, resolution 194, roads, rock throwers, Samaria, security, settlers, shaar hanegev, shechem, six regional councils, terrorists, total area, united nations, west bank, women, you don't know | Comments Off on The Judea and Samaria Quiz: 10 Things You Don’t Know About The So-called “West Bank” (Pt. 2)