Tag Archives: confession

Israel’s Orthodox Community: “The Usual Suspects”

UPDATES 7 pm Israel time Thursday: The war in Syria has arrived in force on the Israeli border this morning and afternoon with a major battle between Syrian army regulars and rebels at the town of Quneitra. At first, the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged august 1 2009, bar noar, blame, border, captain renault, casablanca, community, confession, danny zak, fabric, free speech, gay youth center, golan heights, hate crime, hideous crime, IDF, Israel, isreal, jack teitel, jewish terrorist, Judea, lgbt, livni, liz trubeshi, major strassers been shot, maoz ester, Netanyahu, nir katz, orthodox, peres, pray, price tag, quneitra, revenge, round up the usual suspects, Samaria, scapegoating, suspect, Syria, temple mount, usual suspects, women at the wall | Comments Off on Israel’s Orthodox Community: “The Usual Suspects”