Tag Archives: contempt

Ashrawi’s Deception, Falk’s Contemptibility, the Israel Supreme Court’s Duplicity

UPDATE 11 am Israel time Sunday: The Chof Ashkelon region was rocketed overnight at 10:04 pm by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza who also fired mortars at the Eshkol region this morning at 7:58 am. In a so-called “response”, the IAF … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1967, arab, articles, asher grunis, astonishing, brutal oppressor, building plan, chof ashkelon, citizenship, civilians, contempt, could not decide, darling, deception, deception and delusion, defeat for justice, demolition, deprived, distortion, duplicity, edna arbel, Egypt, eshkol region, executive committee, exonerated, expelled, fled, Gaza, geneva convention, haifa district court, hamas, hanan ashrawi, helpless, human rights, human rights council, iaf, innocent, iraq, Israel, isreal, jewish community, jewish refugees, judean, judge oded gershon, jurisdiction, legally purchased, libya, loquacious, maven, media, migrated to israel, Migron, miriam naor, Morocco, mortars, news outlets, November 1947, occupied, occupied territory, palestinian national council, palestinian territories, palestinian terrorists, Palestinians, parallel universe, peace, persecution, petition, plo, pogram, private palestinian land, property seized, purchased land, rachel corrie, reality, richard falk, special rapporteur, supreme court, surreal, Syria, terror hubs, transactions, unarmed, united nations, uprooted, victimized, victory for impunity, west, Yemen | Comments Off on Ashrawi’s Deception, Falk’s Contemptibility, the Israel Supreme Court’s Duplicity