Tag Archives: contempt

A Woman In Islamic Culture Is The Source of Pride and Honor

UPDATE: Renewed mortar fire from the terrorists in Gaza at 5:30 this afternoon (Friday) signals the resumption of terrorist mortars and rockets following the latest release of terrorist prisoners in the second phase of the Gilad Schalit exchange. TODAY’S BLOG … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged arabic, Australia, beating, berate, bomb, brothers, cair, Cairo, child marriate, city, contempt, culture, december 23 1982, demean, drive, egyptian, embarassment, exchange, face to face, family, fathers, female, female mutilation, forced marriage, fox news, Gaza, gilad, girls, honor, honor killings, islam, islamic, israeli consulate, judith, male, man, media, military, miller, mortar, mortars, nonsense, northern california, Palestinian, phase, police, politically correct, pride, prisoners, procreate, protestor, qassams, rape, relatives, release, religion of peace, resumption, rockets, schalit, second, shame, shrouded, society, source, square, stripping, sydney, tahrir, terrorist, tribe, unadulterated, vote, western, whitewash, wife, women, wound israelis | Comments Off on A Woman In Islamic Culture Is The Source of Pride and Honor