Tag Archives: crusaders

The Israel Quiz: Part 3 of 3

TODAY’S BLOG Today we have the final installment of the first annualĀ Israel Quiz. Remember that the answers to all 30 questions will appear on this blog tomorrow. The quiz today will test your knowledge of history. 21. What is the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1844, archaeology, assyrian, babylonians, capital, christian, conquer, crusaders, cyrus the great, darius, deport, destroy, earliest, egyptian, emperor, empire, enslave, evidence, final, first, hadrian, history, installment, islam, Israel, Jebusites, Jerusalem, jesus, jewish roman war, jews, judaea, Judea, kingdom, knowledge, land of israel, lexicon, merneptah, muslims, nebuchadnezzar, northern, ottoman census, palestine, persian, quiz, rebuilt, romans, second, stele, tel dan, temple, titus, torah, vespasian, word | Comments Off on The Israel Quiz: Part 3 of 3