Tag Archives: damascus airport

The Nexus of Evil: Supporting Iran and Supporting UNRWA

22 Elul 5778 2 September 2018   The News on the Israeli Street Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . . It was another day in which our forces on the Gaza border narrowly escaped being blown up by explosives … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged arson, assault, attempted murder, ballistic missile, Be'eri, Ben Gurion airport, damascus airport, european union, explosives, fires, gaza border, Hatred of Israel, increased, Iranian Nuclear Appeasement Agreement, iranians, Israel, israeli-arab crime, July, murder, Nahal Oz, palestinian terror attacks, ravaged, robberies, Syria, technical malfunction, undermine israel, unrwa, violating international law, violating the rights of the Palestinian people, vital for stability and security, women | Comments Off on The Nexus of Evil: Supporting Iran and Supporting UNRWA