Tag Archives: dangerous

Hooray! A “Moderate” Is Elected In Iran!

UPDATE 8 am Israel time Sunday : Your humble servant would like to thank his readers for their patience. As of 12:30 am, he is back in Israel and writing this morning from his study overlooking the lovely blue Mediterranean … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged abroad, accommodation, Ahmadinejad, all of the children were speaking english, arabic newspaper, asharq al awsat, ashdod, back home, banner of himself, bashir assad, bittersweet, blue, Canada, clandestine, continue to support the palestinian cause wholeheartedly, dangerous, desperate west, discriminated against, disheartening, eager, economic reasons, election landslide, flights, frankfurt, full support of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, future, germany, hamas, happy, hassan rohani, Hezbollah, higher salaries, humble servant, imperative, inhuman policies, international meddling, iranian people, iranian regime, Israel, isreal, jerusalem post, job opportunities, languages, layover, lied about irans nuclear program, mediterranean, middle east, moderate, more benefits, more duplicity, more terrorism, northern california, nuclear weapons program, on the ground, palestine, parents were speaking hebrew, practices, praise, rejoicing, settle down, shiraz, Spain, striking, supporter of ayatollah knomeini, Sweden, u.s., western world, wolf in sheeps clothing, wonderful friends, would never have been on the iranian ballot if he were a moderate, youngest and brightest | Comments Off on Hooray! A “Moderate” Is Elected In Iran!