Tag Archives: day

Just Another Wacky Wednesday Here In Israel

SPECIAL NOTICE: This is “BUY ISRAEL WEEK” (Nov. 28-Dec. 4) in the United States. Buying Israeli products is a great way to support Israel. Click on this link to find special deals! UPDATE: No reports of rocket fire overnight. TODAY’S … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 1977, 6000, abu kabir, air, arab, ashdod, assault, assess, assessment, banal, basij, black, brawl, bus, car, citizens, civil war, clean house, clowns, comedic, comedy, commander, courage, day, deactivated, denunciation, destroy israel, ditty, federation, fellow, fest, fire, galilee, Gaza, girls, golan, grads, guards, Hassan, heights, Hezbollah, humor, IDF, incoming, international, iran, iranian, iron dome, Israel, israeli history, Jerusalem, Jewish, judaization, kindergarten, laundry list, light, manshiya, message, missiles, monday, moqaddam, mossad, murder, nations, night, november 30 1947, occupation, palestine, Palestinian, partition, people, play out, raid, rail, revolutionary, rocket, send, sirens, slim, snipers, solidarity, tear gas, tel aviv, terrorists, united, wacky, War of Independence, warning, wednesday, western, wrestling, wwf | Comments Off on Just Another Wacky Wednesday Here In Israel