Tag Archives: death to america

Obama’s Complicity: Murder in Libya and Attacks On U.S. Embassies

UPDATE 9 am Israel time Thursday: Another day, another missile . . . and two more mortars: Ashkelon and the northern Negev were hit yesterday in the nonstop violence emanating from Palestinian Gaza.  And again, there was no response whatsoever … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged administration, al qaeda, anathema, anti-Israel, anti-semitic, apologize, appalling, arab spring, ashkelon, at a loss, avowedly, benghazi, burning american flags, Cairo, canard, Christopher Stevens, climbing over wall, Clinton, CNN, complicity, connect the dots, coptic christian, create, death to america, denigrate the religious beliefs of others, disinformation campaign, dramatic, Egypt, embrace, environment, facile, flourish, fox news, freedom, Gaza, he's not israeli, IDF, ignorant, infidels, islam imbecile, islamism, Israel, Israeli, isreal, jeffrey goldberg, Jewish, jewish donors, liberate, libya, missile, moderation, mohammed, mortars, movie, muslim, muslim university, nakoula basseley nakoula, narrative, negev, nonstop, Obama, palesitnian, paroxysms, power, Protocols of the Elders of Zion, pseudonym, public servants, ramifications, real estate, religion, rocks, rpg, sam bacile, secretary of state, senseless violence, smuggling tunnels, southern california, speech, state of israel, steve klein, terror hubs, trailer, Tunisia, underwrite, unequivocally, unwavering, violence, women, world, youtube | Comments Off on Obama’s Complicity: Murder in Libya and Attacks On U.S. Embassies