Tag Archives: Deir Nizam

The Iron Dome Is Fast Becoming Obsolete

15 Iyar 5779 20 May 2019   The “Almost” Exactly Correct Quote Of The Day “A situation in which there are 300 different terrorist attacks per month on the average in [Judea and Samaria] is a catastrophe and a scandal. Our protest is … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged Al Aruv, al khader, between Reihan and the Barta'a Junction, bus carrying teenaged girls, cult, Deir Nizam, desecrated Shabbat, European Broadcast Union, eurovision, firebombing, hevron, hydraulic launchers, iron dome, Israel, laser, madonna, more than 300 terror attacks per month in Judea and Samaria, Nahal Oz, near the Tati-Junction in eastern Gush Etzion, obsolete, Operation Eurovision, palestinian flag, pirate, priestess, tekoa, the Gaza border, to the Lebanese border, to the Syrian border | Comments Off on The Iron Dome Is Fast Becoming Obsolete