Tag Archives: democratic

When Gaza Was Occupied . . .

UPDATE: Israel’s High Court of Justice this morning has rejected a petition against the Nakba Law that was passed last March. The Law–which now goes into effect–will enable the finance minister to withhold funds from municipalities and other government-funded bodies … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 2005, a single word, against, ambassador, arab spring, brazil, canard, chaim, condemn, condemnation, court, democratic, deny Israel's existence, deputy, education, finance minister, financial, fire, fly over, funds, Gaza, gaza strip, high, humble servant, independence day, islamist, Israel, isreal, Jewish, justice, law, maan, mahmoud, mourning, myth, nakba, norway, occupied, occupy, Palestinian, petition, police, reject, rocket, sea blockade, security council, social, southern, state, terrorist, U.N., united nations, victim, victimhood, waxman, weapons, withdrawal, zahar | Comments Off on When Gaza Was Occupied . . .