Tag Archives: desalinated


UPDATES 8 am Israel time, Wednesday, August 21 2013: *The Red Sea to Dead Sea project kicked off yesterday. As you may not remember from previous israelstreet blogs (click here for more details), this project will eventually take water from … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged al risha, anniversary, aquaba, arafat, barack obama, bayit yehudi, bennett out and yachimovich in, chutzpah, concessions, cooking something up, desalinated, dump bennett, Erdogan, freshwater, get over it, hatnua, Israel, israel radio, israeli men women children, isreal, kinneret, labor party, military coup, morsi, naftali bennett, negev region, Netanyahu, no one will be less surprised, not as dramatic, oslo accords, peres, rabin, red sea to dead sea, replace, ridicule, saeb erekat, sea of galilee, southern jordan, suicide bombers, testy, tiny, titgabri, tzipi livni, wholesale slaughter, yachimovich | Comments Off on “Titgabri!”